[PRNewswire] JBS, 블록체인 기술 활용해 아마존 보존 강화

-- 블록체인 플랫폼, 소 생산자 데이터의 보안과 기밀성을 보장
-- 이 회사가 조성한 투자펀드는 생물군계의 사회경제적 발전과 보전을 촉진할 것

점점 더 지속 가능한 생산을 목표로 JBS는 아마존 생물군계의 보존과 개발을 강화하고자 하는 일련의 프로젝트인 함께하는 아마존 프로그램을 발표하여 업계에 참여시키고 가치 사슬을 뛰어넘는 활동을 제안하고 있다. 이 프로그램은 기후변화를 포괄하는 것으로, 2019년에 제시된 JBS 글로벌 지속가능성 목표 내에서 우선순위가 정해졌다.

함께하는 아마존 프로그램의 기본 요소로 (i) 가치 사슬의 개발 (ii) 산림 보존 및 복원 (iii) 지역사회 지원 (iv) 과학 및 기술 개발이 있다.

첫 번째 요소는 JBS 그린 플랫폼으로 구성되는데, 이는 공급망에서 이전 링크의 가축 운송 데이터와 회사의 직접 공급 업체의 정보를 교차 점검하는 획기적인 프로젝트이다. 블록체인 기술을 활용해, 생산자의 개인, 상업, 위생정보 비밀성과 보안은 물론 공급자의 분석 투명성을 보장한다.

회사는 또한 2025년 말까지 공급자들의 공급자들이 JBS 그린 플랫폼과 함께하도록 참여 캠페인을 열 것이다. 이와 함께 JBS는 재산의 관리 향상과 환경 조직화를 위해 생산자에게 법률, 환경, 동물 사육 자문을 제공하는 한편 지속가능성에 대한 교육 활동을 공급망으로 확대하기로 했다.

JBS는 10여 년 동안 삼림파괴에 대한 무관용, 토착지나 환경 보전단위와 같은 보호지역 침식, 중노동, Ibama 금수지역 사용 등 엄격한 지속가능성 기준을 이용해 소 공급 농장을 100%로 감시해 왔다. 이 일일 분석은 독일보다 더 큰 지역인 아마존 지역의 5만 개 이상의 부동산을 다루고 있다.

"우리는 공개적으로 아마존의 지속가능성에 대한 우리의 약속을 반복하고 있습니다. 산림파괴뿐 아니라 생물경제, 지속가능한 농업, 사회발전을 육성하는 데도 스케일업이 이루어지길 희망합니다"라고 JBS 글로벌 CEO인 Gilberto Tomazoni가 말했다.

아마존을 위한 JBS 펀드
나머지 3개 요소는 산림 보전 확대, 지역사회의 지속가능한 발전 촉진, 과학기술 발전을 위한 시책 재원 마련을 위해 조성된 아마존을 위한 JBS 펀드를 통해 최초 5년간 2억 5천만 달러의 출연금을 통해 달성된다. 다른 이해관계자의 참여로 2030년까지 10억 달러에 도달하는 것이 목표다.

기금은 이사회와 재정위원회, 협의회, 기술위원회의 후원으로 Seara CEO 출신인 Maestri Karoleski가 맡게 된다. 후자의 두 사람은 KPMG의 감사로 출연금을 받을 프로젝트를 선택하는 데 도움을 줄 것이다. 전체 과정이 보고되고, 그 결과가 프로그램 사이트에 게재된다.


- Alessandro Carlucci
사회책임경영위원회(BSR) 위원장
- Andre Guimaraes
아마존 환경연구소(IPAM) 전무이사
- Caio Magri
에토스 연구소 CEO
- Carlos Nobre
상파울루 대학교 고등연구소(IEAUSP)의 과학자 겸 연구원
- Fabio Feldmann
변호사 및 환경론자
- Marcello Brito
브라질 농업협회(Abag) 회장
- Marina Grossi
브라질 지속가능발전협의회(BCSD-Brazil) 의장
- Noel Prioux

까르푸 브라질 CEO
- Raul Padilla
번지 글로벌 운영 담당 사장
- Ronaldo Iabrudi
학회 공동부회장
- Teresa Vendramini
브라질 농촌 협회(SRB) 회장

- Antonio Fernando Pinheiro Pedro
- Arnaldo Carneiro Filho
SINAPSIS 컨설팅 회사의 선임 연구원
- Cira Moura
아마존 법률 컨소시엄의 간사
- Daniel Nepstad
지구혁신연구소장 겸 상임이사
- Durval Dourado Neto
미래연구소 포럼의 자문위원. ESALQ/USP 전임교수 및 이사
- Jorge Alex Athias
변호사 및 친보노(pro-bono) 파라 연방 대학교(UFPA) 환경 법학 교수
- Jorge Madeira Nogueira
브라질 대학교(UnB) 경제학과 전임 교수
- Lucas Vitor de Carvalho Sousa
아마조나스 연방 대학교(UFAM) 경제분석학과 보조 교수
- Marcio Sztutman
팔라듐의 산림협력사업 라틴아메리카 담당 이사 : 가능하게 만들기
- Maria Daniele de Jesus Teixeira
마토 그로소 연방 대학교(UFMT) 경제학자 겸 지속가능성 전문과정 교수
- Virgilio Viana
지속가능한 아마존재단(FAS) 총감독

출처: JBS
출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료

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Program leverages blockchain technology to enhance livestock supplier monitoring

Company establishes the JBS Fund for the Amazon to invest in social and economic development and conservation of the Biome, with an initial contribution of R$ 250 million in the first five years

The JBS Fund for the Amazon will be open to third-party contributions, with the ambition to reach R$ 1 billion by 2030.

September 2020 – JBS, the world’s second-largest food company, is committed to the sustainable production of food and eliminating deforestation from its supply chain. For more than a decade, the Company has used satellite imagery to monitor an area greater than Germany, ensuring that 100% of its direct cattle suppliers comply with its responsible sourcing policies, including the Company’s long-standing commitment to zero deforestation. However, JBS knows it can do more.

Today, JBS announces the Together for the Amazon program, a series of innovative, long-term initiatives that build on the Company’s legacy of conservation and sustainable development in the Amazon biome. The program will engage industry leaders, civil society, government authorities and environmental stakeholders to propose meaningful actions that will strengthen its value chain and help preserve this critical biome.

The program is consistent with the Company’s long-term sustainability priorities, including the commitment to combat climate change, which is one of the Company’s global sustainability targets presented in 2019. The fundamental pillars of the Together for the Amazon program are: (i) development of the value chain; (ii) forest conservation and restoration; (iii) support for local communities in the Amazon; and (iv) scientific research and technology development.

The first pillar consists of three key initiatives. The first of these is the JBS Green Platform, a blockchain platform that will enable the Company to track the suppliers of its cattle suppliers by 2025.

The second is the sharing of the Company’s supplier monitoring technology and its responsible sourcing policy with the value chain, including the entire food industry, livestock producers, family farmers, financial institutions, and the agribusiness sector. The third initiative will provide suppliers with environmental, animal husbandry education and legal support.

The Company also announces the creation of the JBS Fund For The Amazon, a fund that will finance important projects and actions to stimulate sustainable development in the Amazon Biome. JBS will contribute R$ 250 million over the first five years, and as much R$ 500 million by 2030.

“Today, we publicly reiterate our commitment to the sustainability of the Amazon. We hope our actions today will help accelerate the urgent fight against deforestation, while fostering the bio-economy, sustainable agricultural practices and opportunities for social development,” stated Gilberto Tomazoni, Global CEO of JBS.

Development of the value chain

Currently, JBS, in accordance with its Responsible Raw Material Sourcing Policy, monitors 100% of its cattle suppliers using strict sustainability criteria, including zero tolerance for deforestation, encroachment on indigenous lands or environmental conservation units, forced labor, or the use of areas embargoed by Ibama. The Company’s monitoring program includes a daily, online analysis covering more than 50,000 cattle supplying farms.

“Over the last decade, we have made significant investments to establish one of the world’s largest private supplier monitoring systems. We have also engaged in industry initiatives, along with non-governmental organizations and the Federal Prosecution Office in states of the Legal Amazon region, and sponsored educational programs for our suppliers to help them improve their land stewardship,” said Wesley Batista Filho, CEO of JBS South America and Seara.

The JBS Green Platform is an unprecedented initiative that will cross-reference data regarding the Company’s suppliers with livestock transportation data. The technology will enable JBS to extend to the other links in the production chain the same socio-environmental criteria that it currently applies to its suppliers in the Amazon. The initiative will employ blockchain technology precisely to provide confidential and secure access to the information regarding its suppliers. The information will be audited and the results reported in the Company’s annual and sustainability report.

JBS will launch campaigns for engaging with suppliers and other interested parties to ensure that all its suppliers’ suppliers are included in the JBS Green Platform by 2025.

“We are confident that our industry, and all other important stakeholders, will join us in this important endeavor. We believe that through collaboration, partnership and engagement, we can manage to bring about transformational change in the Biome that will result increasingly sustainable production,” said Renato Costa, CEO of Friboi, the Company’s beef business unit.

In addition, JBS will also provide legal, environmental and livestock husbandry advisory services to help producers improve the stewardship of their land. JBS will expand its sustainability educational activities for livestock suppliers and increase investments to develop digital platforms that help ensure properties can gain compliance with the Company’s policies, as it already does in the states of Mato Grosso and Pará.

As part of the Together for the Amazon Program, the Company is also announcing today that it will share its supplier monitoring technology with livestock farmers, financial institutions and other companies seeking to adopt socioenvironmental criteria.

The JBS monitoring system in the Amazon has enabled the commercial embargo of suppliers who are non-compliant with the Company’s procurement policies. Today, the Company is announcing its willingness to share this monitoring technology with financial institutions and other companies who share an interest in improving sustainability in the Amazon.

JBS Fund for the Amazon

The JBS Fund for the Amazon will be dedicated to financing initiatives and projects that expand conservation of the forest and the sustainable development of the communities that live there, with an initial contribution of R$ 250 million in the first five years.

JBS will invite its stakeholders to contribute to the fund, and has agreed to match third-party contributions. The total funding target is R$ 1 billion by 2030.

The projects to be supported are on three fronts: forest conservation and restoration; socioeconomic development of communities, and scientific research and technology development.

The Fund will be headed by Joanita Maestri Karoleski, former CEO of Seara, with the support of a Board of Directors, a Fiscal Council, a Consultative Council and a Technical Committee. The Technical Committee and the Consultative Council will assist in choosing the projects that will receive funding. The Fund will be audited by KPMG. The funding, actions and results of the Fund will be reported and published for transparent public consumption.

“Curbing illegal deforestation is a key challenge to defending the Amazon. This challenge can only be effectively met by focusing on the quality of life and economic opportunities for the population of the region, especially the indigenous and riverine peoples and the quilombola communities who live there,” says Joanita Maestri Karoleski, president of the Fund. “We believe in the possibility of a sustaining Amazon, because we know that environmental preservation and socioeconomic development are intimately linked,” she stressed.

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